Printing 3.5x5" picture

Your Price: $0.99
print 10 get one picture for free
Part Number:252

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** Printing 10 pictures get one picture with same size & level for free!**

There is three levels for prints. Please select the level you willing to print at options area. 
Standard -------- With border, Economy, clear picture. If you don't want border, the border can be trim off.  
                             (When you check out, please leave notes Trim border.)
H D --------------- High Definition. Without border, perfect for customer who want to have good quality prints but pay less.
Professional -- UV Protector, Waterproof, Antiseptic, high definition, without border. High quality and last long time.

After we received your orders,  our customer service will contact to you. Please leave your phone number and email that we can touch you.

The questions you may have:
? There is no charge with you can  "Pick in store" for your prints. When you check out , please choose "Pick in store".
? For shipping fee. If you order within 50 pictures, you only pay one shipping fee. Make sure one of your orders include shipping fee, the rest of it choose “Pick up in store”.
? Upload images. If you print more than 10 pictures, please do another order; or upload the compressed files, zip files and then type the correct quantity.
? You can send images that you want to print out to our email address : [email protected]. and leave your order# and your contact information.
? If you need to talk someone, please feel free to call/text : 403-872-6766

The prints and enlargements is personal order product, can't resale, so there is no refund and reprints.

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